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Financial Reporting Valuations

Financial Reporting Valuations

At Lotus Amity we are often engaged by clients and advisors to prepare valuation reports for financial reporting purposes. The reports prepared are comprehensive and fully supported to meet the Australian Accounting Standard requirements.

AASB2 Share based payments – options

Accounting standard AASB 2 Share-based payments specifies the financial reporting required when an entity undertakes a share-based payment transaction, such as the issue of options.

Under the standard options are to be valued at Fair Value using an option pricing model.

AASB 3 Business Combinations

AASB 3 set outs the financial reporting requirements for an entity undertaking a business combination.

Under the standard identifiable assets and liabilities assumed are to be recognised and valued, including intangible assets. This is often in the form of a Purchase Price Allocation report.

AASB 138 Intangible Assets

AASB 138 requires that an intangible asset must be identifiable to distinguish it from goodwill.

Under the standard an intangible is identified is if it separable or arises from contractual rights. The intangible assets is recognised if future economic benefits are likely to flow and can be measured reliably.

Lotus Amity

Lotus Amity assist in financial report requirements by providing valuation reports that value share payments such as options and tangible and intangible assets in acquisitons.